
アロマテラピーの歴史はエジプト、メソポタミアの古代文明にまで遡ります。古代において、香りは神と交信するための手段であり、身を清めて神格化するためのものでした。 エジプトの神殿など多く遺跡で、ファラオが華やかな宴会の場で香りを用いた様子を知ることができます。 また、ミイラ作りの防腐剤としてフランキンセンスやミルラが使われ、宗教儀式でも香りを焚く習慣がありました。

It dates back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
In ancient times, fragrance was a means of communicating with the gods
to purify and deify the body.
In many Egyptian temples and other monuments, we can see how pharaohs used fragrance at their lavish banquets.
Frankincense and myrrh were also used as embalming agents for mummies, and it was customary to burn fragrances during religious ceremonies.



The Persian philosopher Ibn Sina, also known as the second Aristotle, established the distillation of essential oils.
He applied it to treatment and established the prototype of aromatherapy.
His book “The Code of Medicine” was so classic that it was used as a textbook in medical colleges in Western Europe until around the 17th century.
It became a classic and was used as a textbook in medical colleges in Western Europe until the 17th century.


フランスの化学者ルネ・モーリス・ガットフォセにより、アロマテラピーという言葉が生み出されました。 実験中の事故でやけどを負ったガットフォセ。とっさに目の前にあったラベンダーの精油をかけたところ、やけどがみるみる回復しました。 その体験をもとに、アロマ(芳香)とテラピー(療法)を合わせたアロマテラピーという語を生み出しました。

The French chemist René Maurice Gatfosse coined the term aromatherapy. Gatfosse was burned in an accident during an experiment. He quickly poured essential oil of lavender on the burns, which were right in front of him, and they quickly healed. This experience led to the creation of the term aromatherapy, which combines the words aroma (aromatic) and therapy (therapeutic).



The term “aromatherapy” began to spread in Japan around 1990. Despite its short history, the number of people who have adopted aromatherapy in their daily lives has increased considerably, attracted by its pleasant aroma. The scent of flowers can make you feel gentle and happy, or the smell of oranges can stimulate your appetite. The fragrance acts on the mind and body. Once again, we are filled with a sense of fulfillment that only essential oils can provide.